
Hytia Maroc > Regulation

French regulation

Law no. 93-1418 of 31 December 1993 presents the dispositions applicable to building and civil engineering operations and its application decrees.

To provide safety and protect the health of people working on a building or civil engineering site, the client, the project manager and the Health and Safety Coordinator implement during the design, development, project development and realization of the work phases, the general principles of prevention (Article L4121-2).

The coordinator’s competence criteria in France are regulated by law no. 93-1418 of 31 December 1993 and its decrees, article R4532-25 to 28. After consideration of the skills obtained and accomplishing regulated training,article R4532-34 36 of the labour code, the coordinator is issued a certificate to work as a Health and Safety Coordinator, according to three levels of competence:

  • Level 1: Ability to coordinate all operations (business volume of 10,000 persons x days).
  • Level 2: Ability to coordinate second and third category operations (business volume of 500 persons x days).
  • Level 3: Ability to coordinate third category operations (when several companies work simultaneously or sequentially).

The coordinator’s mission is bound by a client contract, which provides the means and necessary authority for the coordinator to accomplish duties and missions, but whose role is defined and controlled by regulations.

Moroccan regulation

In Morocco, the first texts on workers’ health and safety dates back in 1913. The labor code, effective on 8 June 8 2004, has boosted the prevention of professional risks in Morocco.

Public authorities have realised the importance and the need to prevent and secure all building and public works. A draft decree accompanying the future construction codes will specify in detail a set of safety rules to respect on building sites.

Regulatory monitoring in France and Morocco is the main activity of the Health and Safety Coordinator. Health and safety coordination are areas subject to frequent regulatory changes. We work closely with all actors to provide the most reliable information and services.